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Forum Updating an entity with arrays using the SQL option

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  • #705
    Avatar photoMark

      Quick question, when I use the update activity and have an attribute that is an array what would be the best way to handle it?



        I need a little bit more information to be able to answer this question.
        What do you want to do with the array?
        What do you expect the outcome to be?

        Kind Regards

        Avatar photoMark

          Hi Dani,

          an entity can have an attribute that is an array.
          In an Update Activity when I create a SQL query that includes such an attribute I will get the following result:
          Approver = [21,35,43]
          In the Update Activity, I can map the result of the query (value) to the attribute in the entity (key).
          Running this Update Activity creates an error “Foreign key constraint …”.

          Now I can change my query to only have one of the Approvers e.g. Approver = 21
          When I run Update Activity now it adds the approver with Id 21 to the list of existing approvers rather than replacing the current array with the new value.

          What I want to accomplish is to replace the current array with the new list (array) or approvers.

          I hope this helps to better explain the issue.

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