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Forum How do I create a variable to store a value that isn’t stored in an entity?

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  • #714

      I am trying to create and use a variable that isn’t stored in an entity type so I can pass the value of a dropdown to a sub-process when a button is clicked. How do I create and reference the value?

      Avatar photoNox

        Hi Tom

        You can pass also entities / entity types to a sub-process (in case you need that).

        However, regarding the question – how to create variables, you could use a SET activity to “create” a variable with a predefined or “null” value.

        There is a description on how to use drop-downs:
        Novunex Docs / Drop Downs

        If you want to use context variables, regardless of the entity type configuration of the form activity, it says in the docs:

        ContextVariableName.ContextVariableName - Binds the From Control to a Context Variable that holds only one value without any Attributes
        A detailed explanation of the different linking mechanisms between a From Control and an Attribute is given in the Variable and Variable Type configuration of the From Activity.

        Does this help?


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